Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner!

We are four grown men who bullshit in lo-fi recordings about our love of all things low culture through the lens of metal! We discuss food, news, and sick picks (heretofore referred to as “siqq piqqs”). We hold metal-themed discussions and debates, take metal-themed quizzes, and play metal-themed games. Our conversations often devolve into complete madness.

In continuing the AI theme from the last episode, we create a horrorcore/black metal crossover band generated completely by AI. We ask AI for their backstory, the album title and cover of their debut, and the bands they have beef with. Much of this is generated in the style of Joe Pesci’s character from Goodfellas with undertones of Lovecraftian horror, capeesh? We consider the various pronunciations of “gyro” and why Clevelanders might have a claim on having the correct pronunciation. We also ask AI to predict how Mötley Crüe’s new hip-hop and country-influenced album with John 5 will be received by burned-out rockers everywhere. Finally, we share recent stories about drunk cougar moms being blackmailed and disappointing friends in dreams.

Note: the album cover and band photo we refer to in the episode are included as part of the episode cover art