These are the favorite songs of 2024 for former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and current blog contributors Wulf and Judge Dredd) wherever you stream podcasts!
Note: Judge Dredd’s siqq piqqs represent his most-played heavy tracks from bands NOT on his top 10 list (except for ONE). Watch for updates here for Judge Dredd’s epic 2024 write-up within the coming weeks.
Judge Dredd

- “Desecration of a Lustful Illusion”, Visual Kill: The Blossoming of Psychotic Depravity, Saidan
- “Terrain”, Terrain, Almanac Man
- “Funny Man”, Cool World, Chat Pile
- “Body Bag”, Big Dumb Riffs, Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol
- “Toute Honte Bue”, Perdition, Fange
- “They Built a Bass Pro Shop in Our Zion”, Salt Sermon, Missouri Executive Order 44
- “Expect Total Hell”, Hellish Expectations, Midnight
- “Code”, 3+5, Melt Banana
- “…Is Violence”, Welcome To My Deathbed, Lower Automation

- “Marie des Vallées (1590-1656),” Le Cloître, Givre (post-unblack metal)
- “Where the Light Fades,” Mind Burns Alive, Pallbearer (doom metal)
- “Diabolical Edict,” Harbinger of Woe, Brodequin (Gorn’s piqq for comeback album of the year) (brutal death metal)
- “The Arduous March,” Blight Privilege, Nachtmystium (runner-up comeback album of the year) (post-black metal)
- “Theory of Mind,” Exhibition of Prowess, Kublai Khan TX (beatdown hardcore)
- “Cauldron of Thorns,” Pendulum, Twin Tribes (coldwave)
- “Transcendence,” Vortex of the Worlds, Labyrinthus Stellarum (atmospheric black metal)
- “Ballad Auf Den Tod,” Todbringerin, Ellende (post-black metal)
- “Panzerhenker,” Die Urkatastrophe, Kanonenfieber (melodic blackened death metal)

- “The Dawn is Hollow”, Cutting the Throat of God, Ulcerate
- “§1”, The Last Will and Testament, Opeth
- “Eclipse”, Blissful Death, Xenotheory
- “Muuntautuja”, Muuntautuja, Oranssi Pazuzu
- “Permanently Fucked”, single, Sanguisugabogg
- “Sister Silence, Brother Sleep”, House of the Black Geminus, Akhlys
- “Eulogy of a Broken Man”, Black Grass Smoker, Black Pegasus
- “Killing Fields”, Primal Horde, Primal Horde
- “Flamme Jumelle”, Les Chants de l’Aurore, Alcest

- “High as Fuck”, The Sacred Plague is Dead/Long Live the Sacred Plague, Vol. 3, Ünscüm
- “God is Wasted”, Arising Realm, Ragnarok
- “Piecemaker”, Anomalies, Cephalic Carnage
- “Caged Wrath”, Black Thrash Attack, Aura Noir
- “Black Order”, The Yellowgoat Sessions, Joel Grind
- “Kathaarian Life Code”, A Blaze in The Northern Sky, Darkthrone
- “Transilvanian Hunger”, Transilvanian Hunger, Darkthrone
- “Slave to the Grind”, Slave to the Grind, Skid Row
- “Mosh for Mika (Waddle Waddle)”, Sunrise Over Rigor Mortis, Beaten to Death