These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of October. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and current blog contributors Wulf and Judge Dredd) wherever you stream podcasts!
Judge Dredd

- “Code”, 3+5, Melt-Banana
- “Funny Man”, Cool World, Chat Pile
- “Within and Apart”, Far From This World, Orchid Mantis
- “Hold On”, Gone Dark, Human Impact
- “Dance Again”, V, KITE
- “Watermark”, The Truth, Traindodge
- “Same But Different Now”, single, Greet Death
- “Faulty by Design”, single, Fake Eyes
- “In Another Life”, single, Clearbody

- “The First Immortal”, Beyond the Mind, Dehumanized
- “Crown of Dead Flowers”, May the Night Fall, Svartkonst
- “The Death of Everything”, Torn from the Jaws of Death, Severe Torture
- “Have Love Will Travel”, Here are the Sonics, The Sonics
- “Tide Turns Eternal”, Tide Turns Eternal, Dream Unending
- “Im Ruusch”, single, Ungfell
- “Equinox”, Stratford Ct.| Sonu Auri, admo
- “Hopes Die in Winter”, The Winter of Constantinople, H.E.R.R.

- “It Exists Between Us”, It Exists Between Us, Underneath
- “Muuntautuja”, Muuntautuja, Oranssi Pazuzu
- “Tying Up Loose Ends…”, Archivist, Archivist
- “Paradoxical Impulse”, Wormtales, Carnosus
- “Serpentskin”, Promulgation of the Fall, Dead Congregation
- “Hourglass”, Manifesto 1.0…, Orphan
- “Relinquished”, single, Angelmaker
- “When the Black Begins, the Forked Tongue Hisses”, Nothing Above, Disentomb
- “Sentenced to the Blade”, Devoured by the Mouth of Hell, Heriot

- “Disgusting Selma”, December Moon, Morbid
- “Sodomizer”, Nifelheim, Nifelheim
- “Sluts of Hell”, Blood and Vomit, Nattefrost
- “The Horny and the Horned”, Urga Karma, Impaled Nazarene
- “Fuck the Universe”, Fuck the Universe, Craft
- “Woman of Dark Desires”, Under the Sign of the Black Mark, Bathory
- “Kingdom of Cold Flesh”, The Devils, Belphegor
- “Metal Fucking Death”, Slaying the Life, Bestial Mockery
- “Pain, Sex, and Rapture”, Pain, Sex, and Rapture, Sadistic Force

- “Back on the Funny Farm”, Another Perfect Day, Motorhead
- “Murders in the Rue Morgue”, Killers, Iron Maiden (RIP Paul Di’Anno)
- “Assault Attack,” Assault Attack, Michael Schenker Group
- “Delivering the Goods,” Hell Bent For Leather, Judas Priest
- “Doctor Doctor,” Phenomenon, UFO
- “The Zoo,” Animal Magnetism, Scorpions
- “A Hora E a Vez Do Cabelo Nascer,” Beneath the Remains (Disc 2 Extra, 2004 Reissue), Seputura
- “Emerald,” Jailbreak, Thin Lizzy
- “Black Night”, Single, Deep Purple