As you may have guessed from the picture, the plague has finally arrived at the University of Kansas, and, unfortunately, the Gods of Chill Chaos don’t give a fuck about the health and well-being of its adherents, so CJ is down for the count for this week’s episode and ol’ Judge Dredd is flying solo! In order to (hopefully) appease the Powers That Be, JD has summoned forth only the most harsh and misanthropic of incantations unleashed upon mankind within the past few years, as you can see below!!  Enjoy!!



  1.  John Frum (USA)
  2.  Ulsect (Netherlands)
  3.  Phrenelith (Denmark)
  4.  Ulcerate (New Zealand)
  5.  Convulsing (Australia)
  6.  Hands of Thieves (USA)
  7.  Amenaza (USA)
  8.  Wolves Carry My Name (USA)
  9.  Sunlight’s Bane (USA)
  10.  Hexis (Denmark)
  11.  Endon (Japan)
  12.  Igorrr (France)
  13.  Dendritic Arbor (USA)
  14.  Nightbringer (USA)
  15.  Nuit Noire (France)
  16.  An Autumn for Crippled Children (Netherlands)
  17.  Aprilmist (USA)
  18.  Drudkh (Ukraine)
  19.  Forteresse (Canada)
  20.  Goedsvanger
  21.  ORM (Denmark)
  22.  Tanakh (USA)
  23.  Planning for Burial (USA)
  24.  40 Watt Sun (UK)