Author: Judge Dredd

HEAVY ROTATION: February 2025 Edition

These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of February. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP.38: Hideous Gnosis of Antifash Cottagecore and Occult Grindcore (an Interview w/ The Shadowy One)

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

The State of Metal: Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10 of 2024

mfw I tell my mom that I don’t have to clean my room Chat Pile released an album this year called Cool World, a title that must be at least…

HEAVY ROTATION: Best of 2024

These are the favorite songs of 2024 for former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and current blog contributors…

HEAVY ROTATION: November 2024 Edition

These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of November. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP.37: 8-Bit Cosmic Horror in Midi Black Metal (an interview with Shelby Lermo)

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

HEAVY ROTATION: October 2024 Edition

These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of October. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and…

HEAVY ROTATION: September 2024 Edition

These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of September. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 36: War Metal is Hell! Rationing Tortilla Soup and Rook Pie with Cryptofascist Wartime Housewives (ft. Gorn)

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

HEAVY ROTATION: August 2024 Edition

These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of August. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 35: Wrestling with the Ship of Theseus on a Sea of Hot Dog Flavored Water

In this episode, Wulf and Judge Dredd are coming hot off the heels of their interview with Garry Brents of Memorrhage (Ep. 34), so the Boyze™, joined by Professor Grindstein,…

Heavy Rotation: July 2024

These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of July. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and…

Heavy Rotation: June 2024 Edition

These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of June. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 34: Nu-Metal Magic: The Gathering of the RPG Faithful (an interview with Garry Brents)

In this episode, the Butte Blazzst Boyezzz™ talk with a very special guest by the name of Garry Brents. Garry is the prolific solo artist behind projects such as Sallow…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 33: Mandatory AI-Generated Office Metal as Part of New OSHA Policies, Pt. 2

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 32: Mandatory AI-Generated Office Metal as Part of New OSHA Policies

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

Heavy Rotation: May 2024 Edition

These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of May. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and…

Heavy Rotation: April 2024 Edition

These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of April. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and…


(NOTE: this episode was recorded at the end of Summer 2021 and was lost to the annals (read: anals) of Butt Blast history as editing other, more timely episodes took priority….

Heavy Rotation: March 2024 Edition

These are songs former MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of March. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and…

Heavy Rotation: February 2024

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of February. Listen to the Butt Metal Blast Cast (featuring former MI DJs and current…

Heavy Rotation: January 2024

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of January. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 30: I Did It All for the Being Down with the Nu-Metal Mountain Dew A.D.I.D.A.S. Pants Sickness (an interview with the CEO of Nu-Metal Holiday Kirk)

Have you seen teenagers recently wear ball chain necklaces, black lipstick, baggy jeans, and Slipknot shirts? Have you wondered what’s with all of the bounce rhythms infiltrating metalcore over the…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 29: Midwest Black Metal in a Missile Silo on like 12 Hits of Acid (an interview w/ Marsh of Swans ft. Mark of the Beast)

The new episode, featuring special guests @marshofswans (CJ and BC) and Mark of the Beast, is up wherever you stream podcasts! In this episode, we dive deep into Heartwood, @marshofswans’ debut full-length. We…

The State of Metal: Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10 of 2023

A year ago, I couldn’t predict where I’d be at now. I decided to move back to the United States after living a little over a decade abroad (with some…

Heavy Rotation: December 2023

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of December. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 28: Diabolical Data Visualizations on the 10th Sublevel of Statistical Analysis (an interview with Metal Stats)

In this episode, the Boo Boo Butt Boys™ Judge Dredd and Wulf interview Metal Stats about his process for scraping and shaping data from Metal Archives while controlling for variables….

Heavy Rotation: November 2023

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of November. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 27: Six Degrees of Tic Tac Dio

Returning guest Ian Chainey administers his Metal Archives-based game Tic Tac Dio to Judge Dredd, Wulf, and the Inverted Cross-Examiner. You’ll hear the three of them utter unforgivable blasphemies as…

Malicious Conversations: Andrew Elliott and Travis Baker (After Nations)

After Nations is a long-running Lawrence and Kansas City progressive instrumental rock/metal institution. The band released the stunning The Endless Mountain last year and had just returned from a cross-country…

Heavy Rotation: October 2023

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of October. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

Scene Report: Hacked Up for Barbecue Death Fest & Pig Roast w/ Mortician & more (@ No Class 09/09)

The different putrid permutations that death metal has taken over the years are perhaps not quite as drastic as those of black metal, but the fact is that it’s all…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 26: Buttpilled Alien Conspiracy Theories with the Jackoff Kings

The Butte Blazzt Beauz™ reflect on their existential anxieties (or lack thereof) over aliens in light of the recent congressional hearings and two VERY, VERY credible posts from Reddit and…

Heavy Rotation: September 2023 Edition

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of September. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

Malicious Conversations: Eli Mardis (Sarkatha)

I caught Eli Mardis, the vocalist and guitarist of Lawrence-based blackened thrash/speed metal band Sarkatha (as well as the current host of the KJHK 90.7 FM metal radio program that…

SCENE REPORT: Chepang | Bandit | Decultivate | Missouri Executive Order 44 (8/04 @ Howdy KCMO)

Bandit Several months prior to this show, our sister podcast, the Butt Metal Blast Cast, interviewed Philly grindcore band Bandit‘s vocalist Gene Meyer. At the time, he told us that…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, EP. 25: Headless Horseman Beef Jerky Chaos Preferred

In this episode, the Butt Blast Boyez™ explore the Headless Horseman-themed metal of Sleepy Hollow and neighboring Tarrytown while trying to figure out what the hell is up with the…

Heavy Rotation: August 2023 Edition

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of August. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

Heavy Rotation: July 2023 Edition

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of July. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

SCENE REPORT: Cynic | Atheist | Phobophilic | Existem (6/25 @ The Bottleneck)

Kansas City’s own Existem opened up the show with their particular brand of muscular progressive metal. What sets Existem apart from a lot of other modern progressive metal bands is…

HEAVY ROTATION: Best of 2023 (So Far)

These are albums MI DJs and blog contributors past and present have been spinning the most in 2023 so far! Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 24: Blessed are the ABCs at the Altars of Meatball Madness (Morbid Angel Deep Dive)

In this episode, we dive deep into the winding lefthand path forged by the Ancient Ones themselves: MORBID ANGEL. Who, besides the Butt Blast Boyz™, is insanus enoughus to defend…

Heavy Rotation: June 2023 Edition

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of June. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 23: The Metaphysics of Grindcore (an Interview with Gene Meyer of Bandit)

In this episode, we interview Gene Meyer of the Philadelphia grindcore band Bandit! He is also a therapist that specializes in helping metal fans and musicians and a stand-up comedian…

Scene Report: Carcass | Municipal Waste | Sacred Reich | Creeping Death (4/20 @ The Granada)

With Bongzilla performing about a month prior and then Carcass playing on 4/20, the Green Gods certainly seem to be smiling down upon us Lawrencians in their hazy splendor! To…

Heavy Rotation: May 2023 Edition

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of May. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…


In this episode, we explore whether psychics are just magic therapists, we ponder if Dying Fetus album covers could be mistaken for red-state death metal, and we speculate how much weed…

Heavy Rotation: April 2023 Edition

These are songs MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of April. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

Scene Report: Bongzilla | They Watch Us From The Moon | Stoney Doom (3/15 @ The Bottleneck)

Bongzilla This show brought out all of the local weed wizards…and things get a little hazy from there. Marijuana legalization is certainly in a hazy state of affairs these days….

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 21: Rowing Across Seas of Vomit at the Amon Amarth Show toward McDonald’s Valhalla (ft. Gorn)

In this episode, we explore the dark underbelly of drug use and drug laws (and drug-fueled competitive eating), hypothetical impossible genres, and what happens when you vomit in the pit…

Scene Report: Wanderer | Thin | The Wind in the Trees | Sarin Reaper (2/24)

I braved freezing rain to travel to Kansas City not to see a wintry black metal band as you might expect but instead to see Wanderer, Thin, The Wind in…

Heavy Rotation: March 2023 Edition

These are albums MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of March. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

Heavy Rotation: February 2023 Edition

These are albums MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of February. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 20: Calculating Infinity with Big Metal Data featuring Sandra Bullock’s The Net (an Interview with Ian Chainey, Metal Writer and Podcaster)

In this episode, we have a very special guest by the name of Ian Chainey (a.k.a. Wolf Rambatz). Ian has been writing about metal around 20 years with publications such…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 19: Chapter for Barbecuing Camel within the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka (Nile Deep Dive)

In this episode, the Butt Blast Boiz dive deep into a formative metal band for all four of us: the legendary originators of Ithyphallic Metal themselves: Nile! As part of…

Heavy Rotation: January 2023 Edition

These are albums MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of January. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

The State of Metal: Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10 of 2022

Mfw I see poseur AOTY lists In many ways, this was one of the best years of my adult life. I successfully finished teaching and managing an English language program…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 18: Caught in Providence! An Interview with Shelby Lermo (Vastum, Ulthar, Human Corpse Abuse, Naughtskeid, etc.)

In this episode, Shelby Lermo joins the Butt Blast Boiz to talk about his move to Washington D.C. from the Bay Area, his musical projects past and present, and his…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 17: Shhh! Whisper Supremacy in the Metal Archives!

In this episode, the Butt Blast Boiz discuss the impact that Metal Archives has had on them as well as on the larger world of metal, they determine whether Deeds…

Heavy Rotation: December 2022 Edition

These are albums MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of December. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 16: Slipknot Fan Labor Union Meeting with Bear Claws and Coffee

In this episode, the Butt Blast Boyz™ talk about the potential for Slipknot to exploit fan labor, analyze the ethics of the Pantera reunion, and deconstruct the dad outfit preferred…

Scene Report: Brutal Assault 2022

The two main stages as seen from the “VIP” section On the first day of Brutal Assault, I was watching a band perform from the “VIP” section that overlooked the…

Heavy Rotation: November 2022 Edition

These are albums MI DJs and blog contributors past and present are listening to for the month of November. Remember to listen to Malicious Intent on KJHK 90.7 FM every…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 15: Chili Dog Donut Pornogrind Sprinkles

In this episode, the boyz speculate whether Rule 34 applies to pornogrind, hypothesize that pop-punk is just proto-DSBM, and analyze the internet’s most confounding band: Etienne Sin. Butt Metal Blast…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 14: Disgorged Cali-Mex Lengua and Tripe Tacos

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 13: Hot-Inverted Cross Buns Hottest Men in Metal Tournament

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 12: Tropical Black Metal Hawaiian Pizza

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 11: Boner Witch Burger Special (Best of 2021 w/ Gorn)

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 10: Triple Baconator McMethwich Powerviolence

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 9: Santa Claus Leather Daddy Erotic Fan Fiction

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 8: Trypophobic Tryptophan-Induced Turkey Terrorizer

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 7: Candy KoRn Carnival of Khaos

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 6: Burger King Black Metal Bonanza

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 5: Sonic Obituary Drive-In

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 4: Double McWhopper Gorgoroth

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 3: Leftover Cheeseburger Doom

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 2: Crunchwrap Supreme Grindcore

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

BUTT METAL BLAST CAST, Episode 1: Baja Blast Butt Metal

Butt Metal Blast Cast is a podcast featuring Malicious Intent blog contributors Judge Dredd and Wulf and our co-conspirators Professor Grindstein and The Inverted Cross-Examiner! We are four grown men…

Scene Report: Beyond the Gates 2022

A overview of Judge Dredd’s experiences at Beyond the Gates, an annual metal festival in Bergen, Norway…

Scene Report: Obscene Extreme 2022

A bucket list item I’ve had since I was a teenager is attending a metal festival in Europe. I remember meeting a fellow teenage metal fan in an AOL chatroom…

The State of Metal 2021: Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10

It’s me! I had the longest professional break this year that I’ve had in six years, the last one being the six months just prior to starting grad school. I…

Butt Metal Blast Cast

Former Malicious Intent DJs (including two current contributors to this blog), Judge Dredd, Wulf, Professor Grindstein, and The Inverted Cross Examiner, started a podcast called Butt Metal Blast Cast in…

The State of Metal: Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10 of 2020

It’s been interesting reviewing a few of my best of the year introductions over the last four years. Hilariously, I always presented the prospect that it “can’t get much worse…

Three Hunters: The Three Albums that Brought Me Back to Metal

Around Summer 2004, I started a three-year “hiatus” from metal. The reason I put hiatus in scare quotes is that I didn’t swear metal off completely. I still listened to…

Metal in the Time of Quarantine 3

Well, here we are — almost seven months after I wrote the first edition of Metal in the Time of Quarantine. On some days, it seems like the last seven…

Music in Isolation: What Local Musicians and DJs are Listening to in Quarantine

While us metal fans are simply missing out on going to shows and the community that is built into and around that ritual, the loss of revenue to local venues,…

Metal in the Time of Quarantine 2

First, an announcement: we at Malicious Intent have decided to move our radio show to Twitch for the foreseeable future. You can stream us every Sunday evening from 7 –…

Metal in the Time of Quarantine 1

With the shutting down of clubs and bars across the country because of fears of COVID-19, fans of metal are left wondering how to connect with their community. Clubs and…

Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10 of the 2010s

I think it’s odd how easily we can be obsessed with a band, but then, after a year or two (or less), we barely listen to them. This also happens…

Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10 of the 2000s

I recently stumbled upon a list I made of my favorite metal albums from 2000-2009 that I sent Malicious Intent co-conspirator Vlad The Impaler back in 2009. Honestly, it’s a…

Interviews with The Old Ones: DJ Nietch

This one was a little different. Arguably the first “real” Malicious Intent DJ was Nietch. There was one before him, but by all accounts, he wasn’t very trve. Here Nietch…

Interviews with The Great Old Ones: DJ Wulf

I forgot to post these and a few other special interviews for KJHK’s 40th Anniversary from about 5 years ago. Now, Malicious Intent has been on the air for approximately…

Interviews with The Great Old Ones: DJ Frankenstein

I forgot to post these and a few other special interviews for KJHK’s 40th Anniversary from about 5 years ago. Now, Malicious Intent has been on the air for approximately…

Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10 of 2019

credit: Mike Teal Greetings. I’m Judge Dredd. I practice law. Metal law, that is. In fact, metal IS the law as far as I’m concerned. Below, you will find my…

20 Years of Chaos and Confusion

I’ve been listening to metal for over 20 years now. From first hearing “One” by Metallica on the radio to my cousin introducing me to Overkill and Sepultura to the…

The State of Metal 2018: Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10

I have thought about this often and watching this presentation only confirmed that, as metalheads, I think many of us might be naturally predisposed towards pessimism (I’m fairly optimistic when…

The State of Metal 2017: Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10

Another year, another annual post by yours truly! I keep looking back at the running list that I’ve kept since January of this year of albums that I’ve enjoyed and…

The State of Metal 2016: Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10

Phew, 2016! I mean, right?! Listen, bad shit happens all of the time, every year. I think people are making a bigger deal about 2016 than is really necessary or…

The State of Metal 2015: Judge Dredd’s Dreaded Top 10

I will preface this by saying this is probably the most curmudgeony end-of-the-year write up that I have ever done. Fitting that it’s also the end of the first year…

In The Beginning…There Was METAL

The following is the retelling of the early days of Malicious Intent on KJHK re-imagined as mythical lore, and was provided by previous MI DJ, Nietch. The Bible of Malicious…